surveying the land (my how the topography shifts like life):
in recent entries, a particular blog has been on point. i'd like to draw your attention to
unfavorable topography, which seems to be championing the existential beings we are. a certain writer on that page, mark pierce, a brilliant mind, seems to be caught in the same snares that many college aged students go through, but his words have pounded in my head as i associate with his contradicting emotions of discomfort and revelling in despair that has resulted from mind aerobics. i wish to elaborate.
a friend of mine was spending the weekend here, visiting friends and dancing, discussing religion and politics with conviction and wisdom. he shared with me his decision to never
try and say anything profound ever again. this decision of his was based of the frequent path he would travel down while trying to be profound. the path only led him to despair. this does not mean that humans are incapable to being profound. the act of attempting to be profound, or in our case now, figuring out the messes in our minds, the over emphasis takes away from the true meaning of what our experience is. constant contemplation on thoughts so grand and exquisite often lead us to realizing how incapable we are of containing these profound thoughts and the complexity of human breath. for example, look at many of the existential writers throughout history: dostoevsky, kierkegaard, camus, sartre, nietzsche all drove themselves insane (literally) trying to figure out the human self and the humans purpose in life. constant hours poured over candle light, ink jars and feather pens contemplating lifes purpose led most to conclude the utter unimportance of life. i'm not conveying that we're all bound to go insane and conclude there is no purpose to life, i am merely using these examples as a caution to every mind that attempts to be profound.
relating all the words above to mark pierce--mark has come off as a profound mind and i think he has not recognized it. while he lays confused in his conscious and unconcious, feeling as if he isn't doing anything at all, he is relating thoughts to us all which we can associate with and further contemplate. christopher sauchak, another brilliant mind (my how syracuse breeds them--i wish i could say its the air or the hills of syracuse which create these minds, but i believe it must be that blues joint, the dino bbq which adds much flavor to their minds), touched on this a bit, patting the back of mark.
marks words have led me to conclude that profound words most commonly result from the act of trying not to be profound, from sitting back and living through actions, reflections of experiences while eating pulled pork sandwiches, playing music in a band, fingering through discs at soundgarden or surrounding yourself with humans that understand that life is a little bit more than a narrow, straight path we journey upon. life is a cycle, and by simply living it with confidence the profound thoughts and understanding will come. be patient my friends, we aren't designed to know everything or make sense of life, we're designed to live with our memories, moments and dinosaurs.
*the simplest questions are the most profound. where were you born? where is your home? where are you going? what are you doing? think about these once in a while, and watch your answers change.