cinéma vérité: filming without film

ci·né·ma vé·ri·té: a style of documentary filmmaking that stresses unbiased realism: filming without film.


astronomical observation no. five: a letter of concern.

dear universe:

i am nothing. thanks for pointing that out to me today. i know you probably cannot understand my language because it was created on this life bearing planet i live in on, called earth (have you heard of it?), but i wanted to write to you, letting you know that the life upon the planet earth is currently, and has been destroying itself ever since it came into existence. i know it doesn't really matter all that much because we are so small in comparison to the rest of you, but the life on this planet has been trying to tell me that we are the only living beings to have ever existed. they also told me that you are still expanding. anyways, if this is the case (that we are the only existing form of life) i find it interesting that because we cannot handle or grasp the fact that we are completely unique and separate from the rest of you, we opt to destroy ourselves. i did't know if you were aware of this, but i thought i would bring it to your attention.

jonathan mcglone

ps. i can't even believe i would think you would read this letter on my blog.


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