cinéma vérité: filming without film

ci·né·ma vé·ri·té: a style of documentary filmmaking that stresses unbiased realism: filming without film.


i received a package:

yesterday, after much delay, i received a package in the mail from mark james. it was the mix disc that he told me he would happily put together for me. so i listened to it. and i remembered before i left that quiet home in redford, mark had asked me to give him five adjectives to describe how i wanted the mix to sound. myself, being an english major but shabby on the grammar, couldn't give him five adjectives, and opted to give him five words. the fluidity of the music, the warmth, the changes in sound, etc, all of it made sense. the timing was perfect. it eased the tension in the air, gave me something to talk about and be content in. as i reached the end of the disc, i found myself unable to stop listening to tracks thirteen, fourteen and fifteen. i repeated them over and over. the songs also happened to be by the same band, fireworks!. maybe you've heard of them, maybe you haven't. the band also happens to be a collaboration of the sheer musical brilliance of mark james and brian g. once i embedded their tracks into my head, and allowed their relevancy to my situation astound me further, i finished listening to the rest of the mix. the package was much appreciated.


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