cinéma vérité: filming without film

ci·né·ma vé·ri·té: a style of documentary filmmaking that stresses unbiased realism: filming without film.


howie was hungry so he invented pizza:

i worked today. somewhere between making pizzas robotically and taking orders over the telephone ("hi thanks for choosing hungry howies, this is jon, what can i get you today?" or "would you like to try some howie bread with that pizza?"), i found myself happy. happy to be working again. it has been such a long time, i cannot wait to hit the road with a joint rolled tight and good tunes, pizza as my passenger and cash dripping from my pockets. yes, the motivation for this job is money. and freedom.

i decided not to give up on my writings. although at times i feel some entries are forced and unstructured, like life, sex and geographical maps, this online journal is up and down (thanks zachary). after talking to a friend on the phone, i decided that i shouldn't give up. i realized that people actually read this (the few who do, thank you), some even half heartedly (or whole) look forward to what i write next. that makes me feel good, but at the same time scares me. i'm still going to write for myself.

but these last few entries have been an attempt to dialogue with the audience. maybe its a lack of feedback, positve and negative (the negative i respect more) that keeps me still. wait. i look into things a little too much. maybe a new journal will begin, i sometimes feel as if my work is done here. but blog on. or at least try to. but just make sure you wait until the fruit ripens before you eat.


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