previous words
- ...and out of left field come the relief pitchers:
- love under mercury
- re: david bordwell / neo formalism
- michigan ave
- warning:
- shot / reverse shot
- letter to bob dylan (from rouge press 2004 vol 4)
- a contradicting victorian approach to my life
- vraie verite: the inside voice
- forget your medium
At 11:12 AM,
reynolds said…
very rich visual textures in this little piece (although they create themselves in a way, as far as ironic visual JUXTAPOSITION goes). i enjoy the shot frozen on you rblog, when bear meets the camera's eye and shakes his head crestfallen that you're a red-headed film-maker and not a seal.
look forward to more movies.
(ps- do you own avid/final cut or some lesser program?)
At 12:31 PM,
Jonathan said…
unfortunately i have yet to purchase avid/final cut. i figured it would eat up too much memory on "my parents computer." i have toyed quite a bit with iMovie, and decided it would work just fine for the time being. i found there is a similar program created by avid, call free avid or something, which is downloadable...i haven't checked it out yet and don't know much about its features. i guess for now, minimalism will be forced upon my creativity, which is a good thing i guess.
sidenote: is your cell phone off? i tried calling yesterday with bill stuff...perhaps we can chat later this week?
At 1:11 PM,
kevdek said…
the link isn't working today from the itc. it's good to see that you've finally updated this. Nick and I are currently painting a heritage hill house. We haven't really started yet but it's my first taste of work since we were roomies.
At 8:52 AM,
Jonathan said…
it probably has something to do with blogger that the link is down. here is the URL, so you can copy and paste it into your browser:
At 8:58 AM,
Jonathan said…
ignore my above comment. i fixed the link. it should be working now. it appears they, the us archives, switched the URL. hopefully this is not a reoccuring event.
At 9:23 PM,
zach said…
i like the film jon. somehow watching that bear has made me suffer. in a good way. i can hope for more to come?
At 9:27 PM,
zach said…
jon, i just read down further. as to the words you wrote about your brother and xbox, have you read anything by baudrillard? i suppose he's a social scientist of some sort. i've been trying to comprehend some french texts lately. he writes about a simulation of the real replacing the real, and the society of the spectacle. all about the US really. anyway hope we can talk/email/play language games soon.
At 9:30 PM,
zach said…
it's probably a bit unkosher to post three f-ing times in a row, but what goddard would you recommend? as well as books/essays/writings on his film/etc. for analysis or otherwise? i saw pierrot le fou and enjoyed it, but i'd really like to read some manifestos or something else about shit going on in french film. to be more conscious of it.
At 8:41 PM,
p said…
damn that bear looks bored
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