cinéma vérité: filming without film

ci·né·ma vé·ri·té: a style of documentary filmmaking that stresses unbiased realism: filming without film.


still in love in the midwest (an audio adventure!/where are your headphones when you need them?):

the drops of water in misplaced
puddles dance
curving their misfortune into tiny
little bodies

skywalk these molecular compositions
in spite
surround self by unpredictable wave of sounds that
hit close to home

rememory of my place
landscape scatters off an artists tool
of muse
directing attention to higher
backwards sounds
in backyards where feet are lifted
in tempo in dustrial dilutions
contrary to what gives breath
still magnifying

when radios buzz emitting
familiar scents
often imagine myself next to the
mystery of bandname hierarchy
with head bobs and mercenary marchings

lethal. intoxicating. deep breath. give up? wake up.


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