cinéma vérité: filming without film

ci·né·ma vé·ri·té: a style of documentary filmmaking that stresses unbiased realism: filming without film.


and so history wins again: mankind what have you done!

i find myself drifting to this weblog at bizarre times. i past my prime, and technologically out of touch, actually.

i go for simplicity these days, that seems to work. making my life more aesthetically pleasing.
i'm tough to please these days.

i've become critical.
and maybe for that, i've become smarter. nick said you have to know the rules before you break them.

i don't imagine that happening sometime soon.
its weird when you see someone that you don't want to, then realize they look completely different than the last time you saw them, so actually, its okay that you see them because now you're intriguied at the possibility of change. it can happen. i saw it once before.
and all this stuff too.

so it will be in a car and on the beach, simple, undergoing change, out of touch with technology, and set circa 1997 summer on the detroit river. and the wings won.