cinéma vérité: filming without film

ci·né·ma vé·ri·té: a style of documentary filmmaking that stresses unbiased realism: filming without film.


re: michael jackson and nicholas

tell them thats just human nature

is what a great artisan told me
but i can't escape her
date her replace her
my mind trying to erase her with a faulty eraser
because i chased her
with a mode of transport resembling that of speed racer's
the breaks dont work
so once started i cant stop until someone gets hurt
meanwhile i'll flirt and
think about the skirt
and the work and that fucking smirk
and i'll import women to take the press from the shoulders
and i'll export a contorted confused catastrophe that leaves me feeling
yeah, happy.
but the race will still carry on
and here and there it will come up in the air and i'll call it
heads: i win
tails: you lose
but this game, is not about what i have to prove
its about staying true to what i know is truth.


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