cinéma vérité: filming without film

ci·né·ma vé·ri·té: a style of documentary filmmaking that stresses unbiased realism: filming without film.


when i realized that i forgot what it was like to be jonathan william mcglone:

moment by moment the focus on life seems to come clearer. no longer is it blurred or skewed by outside hands that control the lens. the lens is wetted with tears. what has kept me from moving in life feels to have scattered away like birds in a stirred nest that felt so comfortable, that felt like home. as hard as it is to actively decide to leave behind something that definded who i was, and to do this at every moment--the comfort of friends and the newly fallen snow allow me to feel that this decision is right, that jonathan is finally right.
and so the story goes on and i'll pen my adventures along the way shedding what insights i can to a life that now seems meaningful, logical, a little less romantic, but in the end, reality.



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