cinéma vérité: filming without film

ci·né·ma vé·ri·té: a style of documentary filmmaking that stresses unbiased realism: filming without film.


CCSMI (coginitive center of studies of the moving image)

@ CCSMI's (cognitive center of studies of the moving image) conference:

the brain has reached maximum capacity after attending an entire day (yesterday) of paper presentations by professors of philosophy, media studies and film from north america and europe.

in attendance was
torben kragh grodal, a well known professor of media studies at the university of copenhagen, who seemed to be, if anything, insane. he used the conference to verbally (intellectually?) "one-up" all other professors in attendance of the conference, including well known film theorist david bordwell. the interesting part was that bordwell was about three rows back while grodal presented his "neoformalistic" approach and desire to revert back to the canonical narrative functions-looking directly into bordwell's eyes.

further notes:
andrea comes to grand rapids today, and the expected weather of the weekend should permit us to visit the beach. no work, no more of that academia conference, just andrea. ahhh, at peace again.

i must find a way to make this blog more "interactive," however, i am out of date with the common usage of computers. the world is passing me by.



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